Tuesday 23 September 2014


If you didn’t know, I got a pair of Circle Lenses to review from Solution Lens!

「This is going to be my first bilingual post」

I found this online shop while looking for cute and cheap circle lenses on Google. When I first sent them an email, I wasn’t expecting them to reply that same day, but they did and very nicely agreed to sponsor me. 

Encontré esta tienda mientras buscaba circle lenses bonitas y baratas por Google. La primera vez que les envié un email, no esperaba que me respondiesen ese mismo día, pero lo hicieron y amablemente aceptaron ser mis sponsors. 

I think their costumer service is one of the best I've seen so far, really. They were very polite and always replied before 24 h.

Creo que en cuenta a atención al cliente, son una de las mejores páginas con las que he tratado hasta ahora, en serio. Son muy educados y siempre responder los correos antes de 24 h.

After giving them my personal information and completing their requests, the package arrived 2/3 weeks later. Keep it in mind that the shipping was from Thailand to Spain, so it was pretty fast from Asia to Europe.

Después de darles mi información personal (nombre, dirección, etc) y completando algunos de sus requisitos y exigencias, las lentillas llegaron más o menos 2/3 semanas después. Tened en cuenta que el envio fue de Tailandia a España, así que fue bastante rápido para ser de Asia a Europa.

There were little cute stickers on the package around my name and direction and I just found it too cute. I like feeling that they are personally taking care of my orders, and they did gave me that feeling, so it was +1 ❤️

Había pequeñas pegatinas en el paquete al rededor de la etiqueta donde estaba mi nombre y dirección y me perece adorable. Me gusta sentir que se están encargando personalmente de mis pedidos, revisando que todo esté en orden y que de alguna forma sea un trato personal para cada uno; esta tienda me hizo sentir de ese modo, así que ya tienen +1 ❤️ 

There were two layers of bubble wrap around the little wicker box and the pen and another layer of bubble wrap around each viral, so the lenses and everything arrived perfectly safe.

La cajita de mimbre en la que estaban las lentillas y el boli de regalo estaban envueltos en dos capas de plástico de burbujitas, y cada frasco con lentillas envueltos a su vez en otra capa así que todo llegó en perfecto estado.

Here is a little unboxing of everything they sent me: a wicker box, cute earrings, a pair of violet circle lenses, a lens case and a cute pen.

Un pequeño unboxing de todo lo que me enviaron: una cajita de mimbre, un par de lentillas lilas, una caja de lentillas, que porcierto hacen juego, y un adorable boli.

And finally, THE LENSES! I’m sorry, I like taking pictures of everything _| ̄|○

Y por fin, LAS LENTILLAS! Lo siento, me gusta hacerle fotos a todo _| ̄|○

I was preparing a LSP cosplay so they were just perfect for me since I was looking for some pretty violet/purple lenses. ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Estaba preparando el cosplay de PEB así que estas lentillas eran perfectas para mí pues justo estaba pensando en cogerme lentillas moradas.ヽ(;▽;)ノ

This is how they look with different lightings and eyelids. I was trying my cosplay makeup, and I think these lenses look nice for costumes or cosplays.

Así es cómo se ven con distinta iluminación y distintos párpados. Justo estaba probando el maquillaje para el cosplay, y creo qje estas lentillas están bastante bien para algún cosplay o disfraz. 


I also wore them with a casual, daily brown makeup, as you can see. Depending on the lightning they look blueish or gray, so you can also wear them with a "natural" look. 

También las llevé con un maquillaje más sencillo y diario en tonos marrones como podéis ver. Dependiendo de la luz parecen azuladas o grises, así que también se pueden llevar en el día a día con un look más natural. 

The enlargement effect is nice, since they are 14.5 mm, they make just nice dolly eyes. I personally don't like it, when the lenses are too big and fake. These ones are just the perfect size for me, since I always wear 14.5 - 14.8 mm lenses. 

El efecto agrandador está bien, pues son de 14.5 mm, así que hacen perfectamente el efecto de ojos de muñeca. Personal ente no me gusta cuando las lentillas son demasiado grandes y artificiales. Estas tienen el tamaño perfecto para mí, pues siempre suelo llevar lentillas de 14.5 - 14.8 mm. 

The colour isn’t too bright and look kind of natural… (I know, violet will never look natural, but you know what I mean…) 

El color no es demasiado intenso y parecen naturales... (Sí, lo sé, el lila nunca va a parecer natural, pero ya sabéis lo que quiero decir...)

I’ve always been irrationally scared of trying unnatural color contacts, and buying my grey lenses was a huge step for me, but I really like how violet eyes look on me.

Siempre le he tenido cierto recelo a llevar lentillas de un color no muy natural, y comprarme las lentillas grises ya fue un gran paso para mí, pero increiblemente me gusta cómo me quedan los ojos lilas. 

I was quite skeptical since I have always wear GEO Medical lenses, but Vassen have really surprised me. They are really soft and easy to wear. I only started tearing up after 8/9 h wearing them, but I kind of move them a bit and it was fine again. Perks of wearing lenses on a daily basis, you get used to them quite easily.

Era un poco escéptica con estas lentillas porque siempre he llevado de GEO Medical, pero Vassen me ha sorprendido gratamente. Son muy blandillas, finas y fáciles de llevar. Solo me empezaron a llorar un poco los ojos después de haberlas llevado unas 8/9 h, pero las moví un poco y dejaron de molestar. Las ventajas de llevar lentillas todos los días supongo, al final te acostumbras rápidamente a ellas.

My eyes are dark brown but since the inside ring (I don’t know what to call it ok) of the lenses are brown, there is not too much contrast, they blend and look pretty good. 

Mis ojos son marrones oscuros pero como el halo interior de la lentilla es marrón, no hay un contraste demasiado marcado, el color se funde con el de mis ojos y quedan bastante bien.

The problem with these lenses is that the colour's not too… Opaque. I mean, you can see the white part of your eyes through them, that makes your eyes look more “Pastel” though, and the flower design is kinda pixeled if you look closely, so like I said, they are for a cute but natural look, and not too bright.

El problema con estas lentillas es que no son muy... Opaca. Quiero decir, puedes ver claramente el blanco de mis ojos a través de ellas, aunque eso le da un color más pastel a los ojos, y el dibujo floral de fuera está un poco pixelado si lo miras desde cerca, así que como he dicho, son recomendables para un efecto natural y no demasiado intenso.

Lens rate/Puntiación de las lentillas:

Colour/Color ★★★★☆☆
Enlargement/Agrandamiento ★★★★★★
Comfort/Comodidad ★★★★★☆

Shop rate/Puntuación de la tienda:

Customer service/Servicio al cliente ★★★★★★
Shipping/Envío ★★★★★★
Price/Precio ★★★★★☆
Catalogue/Catálogo ★★★★★☆

What I like about Solution Lens is that their website is extremely easy to browse though.

Lo que realmente me gusta de Solution Lens es que su página web es extremadamente fácil de usar.

In the homepage you can just look for the color or band you want, and on the sidebar, each brand is also divided in subcategories.

En la página principal puedes buscar directamente por el color o marca que quieres y en la barra lateral, cada marca de lentillas estás a su vez divididas en los distintos diseños que hay. 

While looking around I found these lenses and felt in love, maybe I’ll get them next ?

Mientras buscaba por la página encontré estas lentillas y me enamoré, a lo mejor serán las próximas que me coja...

Some questions from Solution Lenses/Preguntas propuestas por Solution Lens

- What is the natural color of your eyes and style/Cuál es el color natural de tus ojos y de qué estilo?

I have typical dark brown hooded eyelid asian eyes OTL

Tengo los típicos ojos marrones oscuros asiáticos OTL

- What are you favorite contact lenses colors and brands/Cuáles son tus colores y marcas de lentillas favoritas?

I personally like gray contact lenses and the brand I like the most I would have to say... GEO Medical.

Personalmente me gustan las lentillas grises y diría que la marca que me gustá más es... GEO Medical.

- Do you often wear color lenses (which brands)/Sueles llevar lentillas (Qué marcas)?

I do. Actually, I wear them on a daily basis and of course, I always wear GEO Medical lenses.

Sí, en realidad llevo lentillas todos los días y obviamente, siempre llevo lentillas de GEO Medical.

- Where did you find our store/Dónde encontraste nuestra tienda?

I found Solution Lens while looking for cute circle lenses online, online shops and such.

Encontré Solution Lens mientras buscaba lentillas y tiendas online.

- What contact lenses do you like on our store/Qué lentillas te gustan de nuestra tienda?

I just posted a blue circle lens I liked and I would like to get next above.

Acabo de poner arriba unas lentillas azules que me gustan y me gustaría comprar.

- Is our website easy to visit/browse/Es nuestra página web fácil de usar?

Yes, I really like the website's design, it's pretty intuitive and easy to browse. If you already know the colour/size/brand you like, just search by colours, brands, etc... You can see it by yourself in www.solution-lens.com

Sí, me gusta bastante el diseño de la página, es fácil de usar y todo es bastante intuitivo. Si ya tienes pensado el color/tamaño/marca que quieres, simplemente busca por colores, marcas, etc... Puedes verlo por ti mismo en www.solution-lens.com

- Is our customer service good/quick/Es nuestro servicio de atención al cliente bueno/rápido?

Yes, absolutely. Like I said, they are very polite and answer emails in less than 24 h. If you have any enquiry, just let them know and they'll try to help you.

Sí, totalmente. Como ya he dicho, son muy educados y contestan los correos en menos de 24 h. Si tienes alguna pregunta o problema, simplemente díselo y tratarán de ayudarte

- What do you think about lens color/Qué piensas del color de las lentillas?

They are light pastel violet and look cute. I was expecting a brighter shade of violet/purple but I was pleasantly surprised. They are really pretty and you can wear then even with a natural, daily look.

Son lila pastel y quedan bastante bien. Me esperaba un tono de lila/morado más intenso cuando las vi en el frasco, pero me sorprendieron gratamente. Son muy bonitas y puedes llevarlas incluso con un look diario y natural. 

- What do you think about lens comfort/Qué piensas sobre la comodidad de las lentillas?

They are quite comfortable, I almost forgot I was wearing them once. I wouldn't recommend you wearing them more than 8 h though, since they'd get dry and hurt your eyes.

Son bastante cómodas, una vez casi se me olvida que las estaba llevando, lol. Aunque mo recomentaría llevarlas más de 8 h pues se empiezan a secar y pueden hacerte daño en los ojos.

- What do you think about lens enlargement/Qué piensas sobre el efecto agrandante de las lentillas?

The size is just perfect. At least for me. I don't like 15 mm or more lenses, the effect is too fake and artificial. 14.5 - 14.8 mm are the perfect size, since they give you big eyes but without looking like a diabolic doll. (lol)

Son del tamaño perfecto. Al menos para mí. No me gustan las lentillas de 15 mm o más, queda un efecto muy artificial. Entre 14.5 - 14.8 mm es el tamaño perfecto, ya que te hacen ojos grandes pero sin parecer una muñeca diabólica lol.

- What is your overall opinion about the lenses/Cuál es tu opinión en general de las lentillas? 

I like them. The colour is pretty, the size is great, but I don't like that pixeled effect although you can only see it if you look closely.

Me gustan. El color es bonito, el tamaño adecuado, pero personalmente no me gusta el efecto pixelado, aunque solo te des cuenta si mirar desde cerca.

- What is your overall opinion about our store/Cuál es tu opinión en general de la tienda?

I think Solution Lens is one of the best Online Lenses Stores, their costumer service is perfect, they have free and fast shipping, gifts and lens case with every purchase and a huge catalogue of lenses. Obviously, I'll keep getting lenses from them! ❤️

Creo que Solution Lens es una de las mejores tiendas de lentillas online, aunque se conozca poco. Su atención al cliente es extremadamente bueno, el envío es gratis y rápido, te dan regalos y cajas de lentillas con cada compra y tienen un gran catálogo de lentillas donde elegir. Obviamente voy a seguir cogiéndome lentillas aquí! ❤️ 

By the way, you can always enter their lenses give away for a free pair of lenses! CLICK ME

With love

Have a nice day! ❤️

Sunday 7 September 2014

Susyfluffy's review: GEO SUPER NUDY GREY CIRCLE LENSES(^O^☆♪

Hi there! It's been a while and I've comeback with a little circle lens review!



Diameter: 14.8 mm
Brand: GEO Medical
Water content: 38 - 42 % 
Base curve: 8.6 mm
Life time: 1 year

I got these round half a year ago and I wasn't going to review these lenses, but since a lot of people have been asking me about them, here is it.

With lenses and make up vs No lenses and just BB Cream 

As is stated above, they have a 14.8 mm diameter, but you can also find a 14.2 mm version, the GEO Nudy Grey. I love having big eyes, but still looking natural, that's why I got these. I had always worn brown lenses since my eyes are dark brown and I didn't know how different colors would look on my eyes. Maybe too fake and artificial... Maybe they won't look as good with my dark eyes... Maybe maybe... 

All my worries were gone when I got this pair of lenses.

With different lighting 

They make my eyes big and beautiful. People know that my eyes are obviously not that colour, but they still make it kinda natural. The first time I wore them I felt weird, I wasn't used to having grey eyes but after using them a couple times, I loved them.

One of the many things I like about these lenses, and GEO Medical's lenses in general, is that they're really comfortable. They are really thin and soft, therefore you don't really fell you're wearing lenses. 

I wear lenses on a daily basis, so I can be wearing them all day long, sometimes even from 8 to 12 h. I haven't feel uncomfortable with them before 9 - 10 h, when they started to dry. Which is great, because some lenses I had to take them off after 6 h since my eyes were hurting. 

The colour blend really good with my brown eyes and the result are lovely natural dark gray eyes, but sometimes depending on the lighting they kinda look blueish grey...

In conclusion: 

Comfort: ★★★★★
Enlargement: ★★★★☆
Color: ★★★★☆☆
General rate: ★★★★★

Wednesday 27 August 2014

GIFTS FROM JAPAN v(^_^v)♪♪(v^_^)v ❤️

Hi there! 

I've been pretty busy these days studying for my coming exams so I haven't had time to post anything that need time to be properly written... I'm sorry OTL 

Anyway, this summer my cousins went to Japan and Shanghai... I wanted to go too! ( ; — ; )
Since we are pretty close and I am like a little sister to them, when they came back... They brought me some gifts and mailed them to me! \(^∇^)/  ❤️ I have such lovely cousins ~ 

The packet came this morning and... Here the things they bought me: 


This is actually the last photo I took... My brother ate most of the candies orz 

Eye Talk from Koji! Finally! ❤️ I've read superb reviews of this eyelid glue and this Sanrio version is just too cute

Pretty Eyelashes from RiPi ❤️ 

Dear Darling Tint from Etude House! ❤️ I can't wait to try it! This is the shade #1 Berry Red. I think it's the pink one. 

Kanebo Ururi Lotion ❤️ (Whitening I think)

This ADORABLE alpaca soft toy (Alpacasso or Arpakasso) with glasses and bowtie o(≧▽≦)o

And a bunch of candies lol ❤️ They know me too well 

Should I write reviews? Let me know if you are interested in any of these beauty product and I'll try it and tell you! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

With love

Sunday 17 August 2014

Susyfluffy's Review: 66 BIG EYE LINE CHARM By Etude House ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Hi there!

Today I'm going to do a review of Etude House's 66 Big Eye Line Charm. Such a long and weird name btw. I'm not sure if my eyes are monolid or hooded lid but they both seems pretty similar anyway... Though that diference may be the reason this product does or does not work for you. 

The package is pretty cute in brown and pink shades, comes with a pink fork/eyelid tool (I lorst mine but you can see it on the official product picture above) and a 6 ml bottle. 

The glue is transparent and the texture feels cheap, it's very sticky and gelatinous. 

Also, when closing the bottle the glues usually comes out and sticks all over the rim... Every single time. They should fix that.

Your eyelids have to be clean, with no makeup or oil. Try making the thinest line possible or it would get all over your eyelid when you make the crease if it's not totally dry, or it would leave shiny and scaly traces of glue on your eyelid if it's already dry but not glued.

1. Eye while arching the eyebrow with traces of glue.
2. Normal opened eye.
3. Eye while arching the eyebrow again so  you could see the crease I made.
4. Normal opened eye.

Theoretically you can create different types of eyelid with the glue, so I first tried making tapered eyelids, but I didn't see the difference with my real eyes ? 
Somethimes it even makes my eyes look uglier than they actually are... I don't know, maybe I need more practice with this glue. 

After trying to make parallel eyelid, seen from different angles and in comparison with my normal eye. I wore circle lenses on both eyes and eyelid glue and some mascara on the left one. 

In conclusion: 

I think it's medium/difficult to use (I do better my eyelids with eyelash glue than with this one tbqh), it doesn't last long if you have oil or combination skin like me so you have to redo it again after a while. 

Now you may be asking, is it really THAT bad? 

No. Yes. I don't know. I'm just telling you MY experience, you can take it or leave it, it's up to you, there must be people who do like it, but I'm not one of them ( ̄▽ ̄)

The main reason why I bought it was because I read lots of good reviews of Etude House's products and it was extremely cheat... Round $4/5 online(^_^;)I guess for that price it's not that bad.

I'll give it... 2.5/5 

Tomorrow I'll post the Roll Cake Recipe and next week more reviews of make up I bought the last time I went to Shanghai! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

With love

Thursday 14 August 2014

Liebster Award! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Hi there! 

Guess what? I've been nominated for the Liebster Award! To be honest I wasn't expecting this at all and I'm so excited! I just started blogging seriously a month ago and not many people visit my blog since I am really shy and I don't know how to approach people, so this means so much to me! ( >_< )

Aaaaaanyway, thank you so much Payton for nominating me! ❤️ You're such a sweetheart (^∇^)
Make sure to visit her blog! ❤️ <<here>> 

I made a little research and seems like this Award basically consist of: 




Payton's questions

  • Why did you start blogging?
 I have always wanted to write a blog, share my experiences with people, make friends in this community and maybe help people with the things I write.

  • Who was your first follower?
Leti, a friend of mine and fellow blogger.

  • Do you ever plan to become a full time blogger?
I don't think my blog will ever become so popular that I can actually live as a full time blogger but I guess it would be nice if it ever happens lol(^∇^)

  • Who is your favorite blogger? 
I would say... QiuQiu ~ She's really pretty and I find her english so cute haha   ♪( ´▽`)

  • What is your favorite beauty brand?
Dolly Wink! I'm in love with all their products!  (。♥‿♥。) 

  • Any hobbies or talents?
    I think I can draw pretty good, I am actually in a Kpop dance cover group and I can play the violin. 

    • Favorite movie/film of all time?

    • It's Valentine's day, what do you hope to receive from your significant other? Or what would you like to receive from a FUTURE significant other if you don't have one?
    I would be happy with some chocolates or pizza, maybe a rose, and just a movie night ❤️ 

    • What is your favorite song of the moment?
    Back from Infinite

    • If you could be any one of the Disney princesses, which one would you be and why?
    I would definitely be Belle from The Beauty and the Beast. She's always been my favourite Disney princess, I think we are somehow alike ? We both love reading and don't judge people just based on their appearance and because she's not just another passive fairy tale princess thinking all day of her prince charming.

    • If you had the chance to meet your favorite celebrity, what would you say?
    I would thank him for inspiring me to be who I really am regardless of what people may think or say about me, to fight for what I want and to be happy with myself, and I would ask for a hug and a selfie I guess lol  (*/∇\*) Don't judge me, I'm a helpless fangirl


    Facts About Me

    1. I've never liked my real name so I always introduce myself as Susy even in real life.
    2. I have a snow white Angora rabbit called Loki Logan Erik no Winter Soldier Green Goblin Charles Xavier IV a.k.a Loki.
    3. I've always been an artistic person and I love any kind of art from painting to music, literature, architecture, photography, etc.
    4. I can speak Spanish, English, Chinese and German and understand a little Shanghainese and Wenzhounese. 
    5. Although I like cute things and my blog is all pinkish, most of the time I only wear black clothes and all the colorfulness is on my hair.
    6. People always think I'm older than I actually am.
    7. I'm starting my last year of High School this september and I want to be an Engineer. 
    8. I seem very girl but I like cars, tecnology, weapons and electronics.
    9. I am an openminded person and I proudly support the LGBT comunity.
    10. I am currently vegetarian and maybe someday vegan.
    11. I like Kpop idols but most of the time I prefer european guys. 


    Blogs I nominate:

    — http://ditaindahlestari.blogspot.com
    — http://www.thedailydollyblog.com
    — http://starbrightdreams.blogspot.com
    — http://kokorosasa.blogspot.com
    — http://thislifeisconfusing.blogspot.com
    — http://www.snowrii.com
    — http://www.chubbylamb.ca
    — http://yunshock.blogspot.com
    — http://cafeharajuku.blogspot.com
    — http://vivia-chan.blogspot.com
    — http://itsfrany.blogspot.com


    My questions:

    1.How long have you been blogging?
    2.If someone gave you $40 to spend on beauty products, what would you buy?
    3.Do you read manga? If you do, which is your favourite one?
    4.Have you ever been to another continent?
    5.What is your favourite dessert?
    6.What is your best feature?
    7. Who's your favourite blogger/vlogger?
    8.If you could only wear one colour for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
    9.What is your favourite brand and why?
    10.Who's your girl crush?
    11.What's your favourite band/group?

    And that's all! (^∇^)Thank you again Payton for nominating me! I had so much fun answering your questions ~ If I nominated you please make some time to do it and tell me! >_<
    If I didn't, feel free to answer my questions and mention me! Leave it in a comment and I'll check it out! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

    With love

    Sunday 10 August 2014

    Baking: Japanese Decorated Roll Cake ~ *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

    Hi there! 

    Tomorrow is one of my friends' birthday! she's finally turning 20 ~ 
    We are going to do a little picnic in the park so I decided to bake her a cake... 
    ( ̄▽ ̄) Ah ~ I'm such a good girl ~ haha 
    Since we all love asian and specially Japanese things and I've been wanting to bake some Japanese desserts for a loooong long time, I took the chance and tried this cute Roll Cake. 

    I've seen lots of pictures of these cakes on Tumblr and they seemed soooo delicious 

    Mine obviously did't look that good, since it was the first time I tried baking this type of cake and it was hard to find the perfect recipe ( ̄◇ ̄;)  

    This is how mine actually turned out: 

    The mould I used was too big so the cake layer came up really thin... Anyway I tried a bit and Oh My God. I think it's the best cake I've ever baked. Actually I made my own version of the recipe and I think I'll keep using it haha ~(^ν^)☆彡

    Try it! It is not as difficult as it seems and the final result is worth it ★彡

    PS: If you want me to post the recipe, leave it in a comment and I'll post it ASAP ~ I know the headaches that brings looking for the perfect recipe ~

    With love

    Friday 8 August 2014

    Lillalexandra a.k.a Lillaxelina ・°°・。 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

    Hi there! 

    Well some (most) of you may think this is not a big deal but for me it is (⌒-⌒; )

    Yesterday, just like today, and most of days of my life, I was having insomnia and couldn't sleep at all so I was scrolling through tumblr, twitter and Instagram. I don't know why but I saw a picture of Lillalexandras, read the caption and just decided to comment some nonsense  σ(^_^;)
    Actually I didn't expect her to even see it since it was pretty late at night, HOWEVER she did answer me and even started following me right away! (>_<)

    I even took a creen capture. Don't judge me, I was literally freaking out. (And fangirling)

    Translation: lillaxelina started following you
    lillaxelina has mentioned you in a comment

    You see? I though she pressed the following button by accident and would unfollow me in no time, but that didn't happen as I was spazzing out and rambling on Twitter and Tumblr (Hope she never comes across that post orz) ( ̄◇ ̄;) 

    If you don't know who she is and why am I fangirling so much, here a little introduction to this godess: 

    She's my hugest girl crush (⌒-⌒; )  I can't help it

    Lillalexandra a.k.a Lillaxelina 

    Full name: Alexandra Catherine Axelina 
    Country: Sweden 
    Birthday: June 17th, 1996 
    Tumblr: lillalexandras.tumblr.com // lillaxelinas.tumblr.com
    Instagram: Lillaxelina 

    And only one year older than me... _| ̄|○ 

    Anyway, she is like some kind of internet idol? I don't know, but just on instagram she has around 33k followers! That's crazy! 
    She's really pretty and even models sometimes. I believe her signature features are her white wavy hair, thick eyebrows and lip piercing, although I personally think she has a really cute nose and pretty eyes.

    She seems really nice and lovely, and down to earth too. I've been following her for a while now and at first I would have never guessed that she actually likes manga, anime and kpop (^∇^)
    Just the kind of people I would like to be friends with ~ haha 

    I wish I was as pretty as her ~ 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。 

    With love